CMCT 2025
The Combinatorial Mathematics and Computational Theory Symposium is an annual event, hosted in rotation by universities or Academia Sinica, and now entering its 42nd iteration as the foremost academic gathering in Taiwan’s “Algorithms and Computational Theory” community. Offering a platform for the presentation of cutting-edge fundamental and applied research, the symposium draws upon diverse fields including combinatorial mathematics, discrete mathematics, computational theory, algorithms, bioinformatics, and network computing, thereby fostering vibrant scholarly exchange and collaboration. Over its 41 previous sessions—spanning two-fifths of a century—the symposium has significantly advanced academic standards and contributed to the sustained development of algorithms and computational theory in Taiwan. This year’s conference, organized by National Taipei University of Technology, will extend invitations to experts and researchers from industry, government, academia, and public and private research institutions, featuring high-quality research presentations, keynote speeches, and panel discussions. Through these activities, the event aims to further elevate the research prowess and international standing of Taiwan in the realm of algorithms and computational theory.
會議之目的在於促進學術交流,藉以提升學術水準。本學術會議迄今已舉辦四十一屆,歷經五分之二世紀,為我國演算法與計算理論學門作出重大及長久之貢獻。今年為「第四十二屆組合數學與計算理論研討會」,會議由國立臺北科技大學負責主辦,將廣邀產官學界、公私立研究機構研究人員及其他相關之專家學者參與,提供高品質研究論文發表,並舉辦專題演講及相關座談會,希冀提升國內在演算法與計算理論領域之研究水準。 Organizers
The Microsoft CMT service was used for managing the peer-reviewing process for this conference. This service was provided for free by Microsoft and they bore all expenses, including costs for Azure cloud services as well as for software development and support.